Paciente internacional - Clínica Oftalvist X

Cataracts Surgery Reviews

Cataracts / Cataracts Surgery Reviews

Below are some reviews from patients that have undergone cataract surgery at our ophthalmology clinics. Learn about their full experience and improvement to their vision after they were able to choose a multifocal intraocular lens adapted to their needs, as well as those who opted for laser surgery performed with our cutting-edge femtosecond technology.

Reviews on cataract surgery

Carlos B. O.

Carlos B. O.

I can now see clearly in the distance, drive safely and hopefully I’ll be able to exercise soon

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Maria Jesús R. I.

Maria Jesús R. I.

I can now see perfectly at all distances, with no need to wear any kind of glasses.

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José Francisco M.

José Francisco M.

I can now read paper and electronic books without needing my thick organic glasses, that I no longer need to use for anything

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Manuela Q. R.

Manuela Q. R.

I can do everything I did before, but with clearer vision, and I’m more confident when I go about my daily chores

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Mª Carmen A. B.

Mª Carmen A. B.

I was recommended laser surgery with the Catalys technique to remove the cataract that was developing in my left eye. I didn’t feel any pain during the operation, it was fast and I was awake throughout. I was already seeing clearly again the very next day and went straight back to normal daily life

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