Paciente internacional - Clínica Oftalvist X

Cataracts Surgery Reviews

Cataracts / Cataracts Surgery Reviews

Carlos B. O. - 56 years

Intraocular lens

"I can now see clearly in the distance, drive safely and hopefully I’ll be able to exercise soon"

What visual problem do you come to Oftalvist with?


I go to the ophthalmology service at Hospital El Ángel, run by Oftalvist in Malaga, with a cataract in my right eye and 15% vision in that eye.


What prevents you from performing your ocular pathology in your day to day and how does it affect you?


Driving safely and playing sports, mainly playing golf.


What do they ask you at the Oftalvist center where you go to improve your visual health?


They tell me that if I want to do without glasses the only solution is surgery. That is, remove the cataract or transparent lens of the eye and replace it with an intraocular lens.


How is the experience in the operating room?


Perfect, very efficient and fast. I didn't feel any kind of pain.


And the postoperative period?


So far no problems.


Finally, what can you do now, that you couldn't do before, in your day to day?


I can see well from afar again, I drive safely and I hope to practice sports soon.