Home / International Patients
We will be by your side throughout your stay to provide you with the best care for your visual health

Oftalvist offers an International Programme for the convenience of our international patients, so we can cater to all their needs and provide fully personalised diagnosis and treatment for all forms of eye disorders.
With more than 33,000 surgeries performed every year, our ophthalmology group offers all the most advanced medical and surgical techniques available and was the first company in Spain to incorporate femtosecond laser platforms for correcting presbyopia and cataracts, as well as other refractive errors.
Where is our International Department located?
● Oftalvist Barcelona: C/Anglí, 40.
● International Phone Number: +34 936118125
● E-mail: internacional@oftalvist.es
● From Monday to Friday: 9am-2pm & 4pm-8pm
What will your experience be like at Oftalvist?
We offer services specially designed for patients that are looking to undergo ophthalmology treatments outside of their country and require medical attention from the moment they make the decision, throughout the treatment and during the healing process.
Why choose Oftalvist Group?

A leading team of medical professionals who are internationally renowned in the field of ophthalmology.
Oftalvist offers comprehensive visual care in all of its ophthalmology units:
● Cataracts
● Presbyopia
● Refractive Surgery
● Oculoplasty
● Glaucoma
● Retina and Macula
● Cornea
● Cornea Transplant
● Dry Eye
● Tear Ducts
● Periocular Cosmetic Treatment

Oftalvist has equipped its centres with cutting-edge equipment for more advanced, precise and safe procedures within a hospital environment.
Oftalvist has obtained accreditation for its COVID-19 prevention protocol in all its clinics.

What will your medical treatment be like?
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Request your initial appointment
● First consultation: full ophthalmology exam. |
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Eye surgery
● Personalised treatment. |
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Post-surgery consultation
● Your vision will be checked the day after the surgery. |

Do you have any doubts?
We'll call you back
We are at your disposal.
We advise you for free, just fill out the form and we will contact you.
901 010 190