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Dry Eye Reviews

Dry eye / Dry Eye Reviews

Below are some reviews from patients that have undergone pulsed light treatment (IPL) at our ophthalmology clinics.

Reviews of pulsed light treatment for dry eye

Ana R.

Ana R.

It has improved my life immensely. I no longer feel constant pain in my eyes. Both my eyes feel more lubricated, I use less eye drops and I can handle the cold and wind better. The constant inflammation that I had in my upper and lower eyelids has also gone down

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Juan Manuel S. G.

Juan Manuel S. G.

Previously I had a lot of discomfort when I went inside dry spaces, such as cinemas or theatres, and it would only get better when I went outside. Now I can even read and watch TV without any discomfort. In fact, it’s been days since I’ve used eye drops and I feel absolutely fine

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