Paciente internacional - Clínica Oftalvist X

Cataracts Surgery Reviews

Cataracts / Cataracts Surgery Reviews

Manuela Q. R.

Femtosecond laser for cataracts and eyestrain

"I can do everything I did before, but with clearer vision, and I’m more confident when I go about my daily chores"

With what visual problem do you arrive at Oftalvist?

With cataracts with a very high myopia graduation and with astigmatism.


What prevents you from performing your ocular pathology in your day to day and how does it affect you?

It did not prevent me from doing anything, but in the eye that had the cataract I noticed that the quality of vision had lost.


What do they ask you at the Oftalvist center where you go to improve your visual health?

After a complete eye examination, they told me that they could operate on both eyes for cataracts and put me in a high-end intraocular lens to eliminate my astigmatism. It's what they called a toric lens.


How is the experience in the operating room?

The operating room experience was very good.


And the postoperative period?

The postoperative period has been good, fast and without any problem.


Do you follow any medical indications after surgery?

The main measure to take into account was the application of drops during the first weeks and not rubbing my eyes.


Finally, what can you do now, that you couldn't do before, in your day to day?

I can do the same as before, but with much clearer vision and with more confidence in carrying out my tasks each day.