Do you have dry eye? The most effective treatment with pulsed light

Choose to see the difference

Are you suffering from irritation, itching, dryness, redness or excessive tears? It is estimated that 60% of the Spanish population over 45 years old are suffering from dry eye syndrome without a diagnosis. This relates to around 5 million people in Spain, mainly women in the menopausal age range.

Fortunately, new technology can now provide us with more data so we can better understand what is happening with each patient, establish personalised guidelines for each case and abandon obsolete protocols for more effective and safer results.

For this reason, and due to the high prevalence of the disorder, in addition to the conventional treatments, we have also equipped our centres with innovative high-intensity pulsed light technology, which is a non-invasive and painless treatment for stimulating the meibomian glands to improve the vision of patients with dry eye syndrome without the need to enter the operating room.

The difference is in the details

More technology:
Better precision

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Hospital environment:
Increased safety

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Better results

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Are you suffering from irritation, itching, dryness, redness or excessive tears?+

Do I have dry eye? Take our OSDI test!+

Treatment for dry eye syndrome: Pulsed light (IPL)+

What does a session involve?+

Symptoms of dry eye+

What our patients think

Juan Manuel S. G.  72 years

Patient treated for dry eye with pulsed light.

Previously I had a lot of discomfort when I went inside dry spaces, such as cinemas or theatres, and it would only get better when I went outside. Now I can even read and watch TV without any discomfort. In fact, it’s been days since I’ve used eye drops and I feel absolutely fine.

Ana R.  56 years

Patient treated for dry eye with pulsed light.

It has improved my life immensely. I no longer feel constant pain in my eyes. Both my eyes feel more lubricated, I use less eye drops and I can handle the cold and wind better. The constant inflammation that I had in my upper and lower eyelids has also gone down.

Frequently asked questions

What role do artificial tears play in the treatment of dry eye?+

After a pulsed light session, should I follow some form of procedure at home?+

Are all cases of dry eye the same?+

Why is dry eye so common?+

Can dry eye be cured with natural remedies?+

We respond to the most frequently asked questions about dry eye on our YouTube channel.

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