Paciente internacional - Clínica Oftalvist X

Opinions of Retina Patients

Retina / Opinions of Retina Patients

Salvador H. C.

Retinal detachment

"The first hours were critical, the loss of vision was taking place at times. Now, I have recovered the vision of my right eye, with a visual acuity of more than 70%."

With what visual problem do you arrive at Oftalvist?

With a retinal detachment that occurred suddenly, without any trauma that could have caused it and that caused me to completely lose vision in my right eye in less than 24 hours.


How did it affect you?

Those were critical hours. The loss of vision occurred gradually at times until reaching the total loss of vision.


What do they ask you at the Oftalvist center where you go?

In this case, I go to the ophthalmology clinic in Valencia where the specialist in this type of pathology recommends surgery urgently. The only solution for a retinal detachment is surgery.


Could you describe what the surgery consisted of and how was your experience?

I had a vitrectomy. Roughly speaking, the surgery consisted of repositioning the retina in its place and injecting a gas into the eyeball so that the pressure was maintained in its place. They gave me local anesthesia and although I was awake the whole time, I did not see the surgery while it was being performed.


And the postoperative period?

The postoperative period in this type of operation is very heavy since until the gas is absorbed by the eye and it is verified that the retina has been fixed, you have to keep your head looking at the ground for a few hours a day, always sleep on your side , avoid any effort and of course not go out. Although in a week you can lead almost a normal life, full recovery usually takes around a month.


Do you follow any medical indications after surgery?

A few drops to avoid infections for a month or so and return to normal life with the logical precautions.


Finally, what have you noticed improvement?

I have recovered the vision of my right eye, with a visual acuity of more than 70%.