Paciente internacional - Clínica Oftalvist X

Reviews on Refractive Surgery

Refractive surgery / Reviews on Refractive Surgery

María José O. C.

Surgery for myopia, hypermetropia and/or astigmatism

"The experience was great (for surgery). It was fast and the staff that looked after me were lovely, including the nurse who saw that I was nervous so held my hand throughout the procedure... Today, life without glasses or contact lenses is like a miracle."

With what visual problem do you arrive at Oftalvist?

I contact Oftalvist for my myopia.


What prevents you from performing your ocular pathology in your day to day and how does it affect you?

It prevented me from leading a normal life without glasses or contact lenses, so I was totally dependent on them to do anything.


What do they ask you at the Oftalvist center where you go to improve your visual health?

They tell me that the best option to solve my problem is laser surgery with femtosecond technology. A new technique more advanced than the other existing ones, also with laser.


In the case of considering surgery, could you describe what it consists of?

The surgery lasted approximately half an hour, going through two different lasers. I remember that the first one was a bit annoying since for a few seconds I completely lost my vision, something that is normal as they explained to me during the procedure.


How is the experience in the operating room?

The experience was good, for a surgery, it was very fast and the staff that was with me was lovely, even a nurse who saw me nervous held my hand throughout the duration of the treatment.


And the postoperative period?

The same afternoon of the operation, I did have a lot of discomfort, but it went away at night. The following days I no longer had any discomfort and I could see 100% well. The most uncomfortable part of the entire process was the obligation to apply the eye drops many days several times a day.


Do you follow any medical indications after surgery?

Los primeros días tras la cirugía sí que tenia que ponerme muchos colirios, pero pasado un mes ya únicamente me recetaron lagrimas artificiales si notaba sequedad, y a decir verdad, no las he necesitado en gran medida.


Finally, what can you do now, that you couldn't do before, in your day to day?

No glasses and no contact lenses EVERYTHING, it's like a miracle :)