Paciente internacional - Clínica Oftalvist X

Reviews on Refractive Surgery

Refractive surgery / Reviews on Refractive Surgery

María Isabel G. L.

Surgery for myopia, hyperopia and/or astigmatism

"I came to Oftalvist suffering from myopia and I couldn’t wear glasses or contact lenses because they dried out my eyes too much. Now I see perfectly and have no issue with dry eyes. It is the best investment I’ve ever made and I’m the happiest woman in the world without glasses."

Before contacting Oftalvist, what problem did you have with your eyes?

I had myopia. I couldn't wear contact lenses because my eyes were very dry and they hurt me. Even so, I wore glasses but they still caused injuries to my nose, however, I had to wear them even when I bathed in the pool or on the beach because my visual quality was so null, that even when I got out of the water and went to the towel could not distinguish where my glasses were.


What solution does your ophthalmologist propose to correct your visual pathology?

The truth is that I am already thinking of having laser surgery. I had been informed about this technique and its effectiveness and both my doctor and I agreed that this was the best solution for my problem. Once in the operating room my experience was very good. The operation, 100% laser during the entire procedure, was very fast, about 20 minutes in both eyes between the time I went in and out, and I also did not feel any pain. That same day I went home and, in my case, I started to lead a normal life on the third day.


What is your vision today?

I see perfectly, as if I were wearing glasses or contact lenses, but without pain in the nose or dry eyes, which was a great bother for me before the operation. I am very happy with my ophthalmologist and with the professionals that the clinic has. They were very kind and they explain everything very clearly, which gave me great confidence in them. Of course it was the best money invested, I am the happiest woman in the world without glasses.