Paciente internacional - Clínica Oftalvist X

Reviews on Refractive Surgery

Refractive surgery / Reviews on Refractive Surgery

Luisa P. L.

Surgery for myopia, hypermetropia and/or astigmatism at Oftalvist Madrid

"Now I can drive at night or swim at the beach without worrying about losing my contact lenses."

Patient operated on for myopia and astigmatism with femtosecond laser.

Lasik eye surgery is an important decision for those who want to get rid of their glasses and/or contact lenses.


With our testimonials we want to publicize what the lasik operation is like through the opinions of our patients. Luisa P., operated on for myopia and astigmatism, tells us about her experience:



With what visual problem do you arrive at Oftalvist?

I decided to go to Oftalvist because I suffered from myopia and astigmatism.


What prevents you from performing your ocular pathology in your day to day and how does it affect you?

Visual problems generated an absolute dependence on glasses and contact lenses. From the time I got up to the time I went to bed, I had to depend on them to lead a normal life.


What do they ask you at the Oftalvist clinic where you go to have surgery for myopia and astigmatism?

After performing the appropriate preoperative tests at the ophthalmology clinic in Madrid, Dr. Enrique Artiaga, who took care of my case at all times, recommended that I have Lasik surgery.

Could you describe what 100% laser surgery consists of?

It consists of an operation, the process of which is performed entirely by laser, which polishes the surface of the cornea.


How is the experience in the operating room?

The operation is very quick and painless. They give you a few drops to anesthetize the eye and then they begin to treat you by laser. During the procedure you see a series of lights as you follow the doctor's instructions. In total, it takes about 20 minutes.


And the postoperative period?

The postoperative period is very simple. You only have to take, for a month, the drops prescribed by the ophthalmologist.


Do you follow any medical indications after surgery?

I use artificial tears when I spend many hours in front of the computer, as recommended in my office.


Finally, what can you do now, that you couldn't do before, in your day to day?

I no longer need to reach over to the nightstand for my glasses every time I get up in the morning. Also, I can drive at night or swim on the beach without fear of losing my contact lenses... In short, I can lead a normal life, as if I did not have myopia.