Paciente internacional - Clínica Oftalvist X

Reviews on Refractive Surgery

Refractive surgery / Reviews on Refractive Surgery

Elsa A. - 40 years

Surgery for myopia, hyperopia and/or astigmatism

"It was like a magic spell. I’ve been dependent on glasses and contact lenses for years due to issues with myopia and astigmatism, so I decided to go to Oftalvist and undergo surgery with FemtoLasik technology. Ten days after calling I was already with the surgeon, and in a matter of 17 seconds per eye, the surgery was finished and I left the hospital being able to type on my phone in total clarity."

With what problem do you arrive at Oftalvist?

I arrive with a myopia problem, 2.5 in each eye, and astigmatism, 0.8. She was really dependent on glasses and contact lenses, in fact, she couldn't see anything without them, she saw everything blurred and she wasn't capable of being autonomous. I decide that it is time to put a solution to it, in fact she had also had a problem with keratitis that is annoying.


I had a break and I thought it was time, although in reality it is not necessary to have a lot of time because in a matter of twelve hours you are already working. It is not necessary to have even a full week, you call, it is very fast. In fact, I called and in ten days, I could even have surgery.


Why did you decide to have surgery with FemtoLasik?


I have several friends who had been operated in this way and I went to Oftalvist for advice. Once there they informed me that FemtoLasik today was the most effective and safe solution.


How was the experience?


It was like magic was done to me. The truth is that she was not nervous. If you think about it, you have had an operation but you have no concept of an operation, since there is no incision at any time. They give you a few drops of anesthesia, there is an anesthetist, in case something happens, which does not happen because it is a very aseptic surgery with little problem. You go through two devices. The first is to make you empty and they warn you at all times of what they are going to do to you. In fact, there is a moment when they inform you that you are going to stop seeing, for a few seconds, and then they switch you to the other device, which is the laser. In this particular one, in a matter of 17 seconds in each eye, the surgery is already done.


How do you get out of the operating room?


I left with a slightly red eye and on the way to the parking lot I could already see completely clearly, to the point of being able to send several messages. All magnificent, if I had known, I would have considered it much earlier.