Paciente internacional - Clínica Oftalvist X

Presbyopia Surgery Reviews

Presbyopia / Presbyopia Surgery Reviews

Alejandro B. T. - 49 years

Intraocular lenses for eyestrain and cataracts

"Even though I had good quality progressive glasses, my eyes would get very tired. Now I can focus on any object, where I wasn’t able to before, such as seeing road traffic signs earlier, for example. In the end, it isn’t just a matter of quality, but also comfort."

With what visual problem do you arrive at Oftalvist?

I go to Oftalvist with a problem of farsightedness and astigmatism in both eyes.


What prevents you from performing your ocular pathology in your day to day and how does it affect you?

He mainly couldn't read anything, near or far without glasses. He couldn't even comfortably play sports like paddle tennis because he couldn't see the ball clearly.


What do they ask you at the Oftalvist center where you go to improve your visual health?

They offer me different options. Either continue with glasses and contact lenses, or replace them with intraocular lens implant surgery.


How is the experience in the operating room?

Very good, without any problem.


And the postoperative period?

Recovery is relatively slow since for this type of surgery you will first have one eye operated, and a week later, the other eye. Therefore, the time elapsed to return to work and to your usual routine is extended by approximately two weeks.


Do you follow any medical indications after surgery?



Finally, what can you do now, that you couldn't do before, in your day to day?

Despite having good progressive glasses, my eyes were very tired. Now I can fix my eyes on any object when before I was unable, such as anticipating a traffic sign on the road. In short, it is not only a question of quality but also of comfort.