We are retina specialists

Choose to see the difference

Our Retina and Macula Unit is made up of a large team of specialists in retina disorders, and many of these age-related disorders are some of the main causes of blindness in Spain, such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and diabetic retinopathy.

However, although age is the primary risk factor, early detection of this unpreventable disorder, along with the appropriate treatment, can avoid vision loss in more than 90% of cases and vision improvements in over 30% of cases.

We also use minimally invasive surgical technology for procedures such as retinal detachment.

The difference is in the details

More technology:
Better precision

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Hospital environment:
Increased safety

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Better results

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Our retina specialists

Our Retina and Macula Unit is made up of more than 20 professionals who are specialised in the diagnosis and treatment of neurodegenerative disorders that affect the fundus of the eye, many of whom have received training in the EU for this field.

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)+

Retinal detachment+

Retina disorders+

The importance of early diagnosis+

What our patients think

Salvador H.

Underwent retinal detachment surgery.

The first few hours were critical, my vision was coming and going. I’ve now regained vision in my right eye with a visual acuity of more than 70%.

Mª Pilar T.

Treated with anti-angiogenic therapy for AMD.

I recovered 100% vision in my left eye in the first 6 years after I started the treatment. I’ve now lost a bit due to developing early cataracts, but I still have around 85% vision, which is enough to lead a completely normal life.

José Vicente C. S.

Treatment for diabetic retinopathy.

I've recovered 100% of my vision. I can now do everything without glasses and without seeing black spots, objects or blurry shapes.

Frequently asked questions

What does the retina do?+

How can I take care of my retinas?+

How do I know if I have AMD?+

What are macular drusen?+

Which type of AMD is the most common?+

Can proper management prevent diabetic retinopathy?+

We respond to the most frequently asked questions about retina disorders on our YouTube channel.

Why choose Oftalvist?

An indisputable leader in ophthalmologic laser surgery, Oftalvist Group was founded over 30 years ago and has always used the most advanced surgical techniques in the industry, providing all their treatments from exclusive operating rooms in major hospitals.

Tecnologia de referencia mundial

The world's leading technology at your disposal.

quirofano oftalvist

More than 45 clinics in Spain and 20 surgical units in major hospitals.

cirugias oculares en hospital

More than 42.000 surgeries performed every year.

chica prueba ocular

Safety, efficiency and wellbeing in all our procedures.

oftalmologos oftalvist

More than 80 specialist ophthalmologists.

imagen pacientes oftalvist

More than 75.000 new patients visit our clinics every year.